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Dr Cassidy Preston and the Hockey Mindset

The Copper Cliff Minor Hockey Association (CCMHA) really is changing with the times.

Mere weeks after announcing the decision to re-brand the CCMHA fleet of competitive teams to the Copper Cliff Reds hockey program, dropping the "Redmen" monikor that had come under increased scrutiny in recent years, the group has organized a somewhat unique player-parent-coach offering for early August.

On Wednesday, August 7th, the CCMHA will welcome North Bay native and former OHLer and OUA (York/U of T) talent, Dr Cassidy Preston, to the McLelland Arena upper hall for a Player Performance Clinic focused on Sports Psychology.

With sessions geared towards what he refers to as "The Hockey Mindset", Preston will offer both a "Hockey Mindset Method Workshop" for players, parents and coaches, as well as delivering an interpersonal skills related presentation targetted at the folks behind the bench, entitled "How to Get & Keep Players Engaged, Learning and Bought-In".

The entire evening, which kicks off at 6:00 p.m., is free of charge for all CCMHA parents, players and coaches, with a nominal $20/per family fee being collected for participants from any of the other hockey groups in town.

(though it should be noted that with some associations agreeing to provide support to the event, anyone interested might want to check with their own organization to see if spots have already been reserved for their group).

"The Performance Clinic is another aspect of what makes our organization different and attractive to families and players," noted CCMHA executive member Leo Verilli in a club-issued media release.

"Dr Preston is on the leading edge of mental performance and resilience in player development. The learning that comes from his workshop can be applied to the ice and the classroom for our players/students."

For additional information, kindly contact Andrew Dale at "".

Northern Hockey Academy