A fourth place finish by the Lo-Ellen Park Knights senior boys cross-country at OFSAA 2022 only seems to have set the table.
One race into the 2023 schedule, it looks like the lads from the south-end powerhouse are ready for their just desserts and a spot on the podium.
"I think an OFSAA team gold is definitely in play for us," suggested 17 year old Nolan Kuhlberg after edging teammate Sam Rice by the slimmest of margins as SDSSAA Preliminary Race #1 at Kivi Park last Thursday.
Throw in the likes of Owen Dobson (3rd place - three seconds back) and Shiloh Sauve (5th), Russell Joiner (8th), Nico Labrecque (9th) and Jacob Barney (OFSAA counter from one year ago who was unavailable for the Kivi event) and one can easily see the source of optimism for Kuhlberg and company.
"All of our workouts feel like races," added the grade 12 senior who would like to continue running at the post-secondary level. "It's nice to have some competition, with our guys and Liam (Lockerby runner Liam Binks, who finished fourth) as well."
"It's motivation to get faster and stay faster."
Still, for all of the friendly rivalry, there is a fierceness and intensity when it comes to race day.
"There was a 500 metre single track part (of the course) and that's where Sam and Liam made their move," said Kuhlberg. "It's a downhill single track and elbows were flying everywhere. I was pretty mad after I got elbowed."
"I wanted to pass them as soon as I could and just try and keep the lead. That was the goal."
With all age brackets heading out simultaneously, it made for some interesting racing, notably on the girls side where Lockerby senior Lauren Pineau held off her freshman sister (Megan), with both capturing their respective divisions.
While Lo-Ellen rookie Carson Jewitt kept the favourites from LOE in the spotlight by taking top spot in the Novice Boys division and Lily Bignucolo did likewise in Junior Girls, Raphael Belzile broke through for a non-traditional contender as the grade 10 student at E.S. Macdonald-Cartier outkicked Isaac Longston (Lockerby) for the Junior Boys win.
Following are the top five in each of the six age brackets:
Senior GirlsLauren Pineau (Lockerby) - 16:54.55
Lucia Salmaso (Marymount) - 17:37.77
Indigo Kruger (Lively) - 18:10.00
Maija Nener (Lo-Ellen) - 18:10.11
Gracie Dale (Lo-Ellen) - 18:11.22
Senior Boys
Nolan Kuhlberg (Lo-Ellen) - 13:45.55
Sam Rice (Lo-Ellen) - 13:45.56
Owen Dobson (Lo-Ellen) - 13:48.88
Liam Binks (Lockerby) - 13:58.88
Shiloh Sauve (Lo-Ellen) - 15:14.44
Junior Girls
Lily Bignucolo (Lo-Ellen) - 17:26.66
Misaki Diavolitsis (Lockerby) - 17:45.55
McKenna Mende (Lo-Ellen) - 18:40.00
Lea Maki (Lo-Ellen) - 18:41.11
Ashley Levesque (Bishop Carter) - 19:19.00
Junior Boys
Raphael Belzile (ESMC) - 15:09.00
Isaac Longston (Lockerby) - 15:46.66
Callum Wiss (Lo-Ellen) - 16:25.55
Jacob Paille (Lo-Ellen) - 16:28.88
Nolan Millette (Bishop Carter) - 16:39.99
Novice Girls
Megan Pineau (Lo-Ellen) - 17:25.55
Adrielle Charette (Notre-Dame) - 18:14.44
Olivia Carriere (St Charles) - 19:22.22
Kiana Smith (Marymount) - 20:00.00
Jayden Bretschneider (Horizon) - 20:11.11
Novice Boys
Carson Jewitt (Lo-Ellen) - 15:22.22
Frank Nzotungwanimana (Lo-Ellen) - 15:41.11
Grady Dale (Lo-Ellen) - 16:14.44
Ben Lamarche (Lo-Ellen) - 16:16.66
Landon Lake-Rigo (St Charles) - 16:16.77